Tag Archives: cyclone Yasi

And now we wait…

3 Feb

So Cyclone Yasi is only a few hours away from us now. We’ve done all the prep that we can…

Some shops reinforced their windows...

...Others boarded their businesses up.

The Mr reinforces the fence as best he can

The wind and rain has been quite fierce for a few hours now.

Kind of a freaky text to get!

And now, we wait…


3 Feb

Sooo…the cyclone hit the coast last night and is on it’s way here! It’s lessened in strength, but will still be very strong! It’s due to hit us in 10-12 hours and the winds are already pretty strong!

So apologies for the minimal posts x

Today’s pic: I ordered some cheapie macro tubes off Ebay to play around with, and they finally arrived a few days ago! They’re so much fun and very addictive, if you haven’t tried them i highly recommend you do!

This is a tiny little angel figurine ♥

Hope everyone has a lovely day, and that Mother Nature forgives us for what we’ve done to upset her so much – the big snow storm in the US looks pretty scary, stay safe xx


2 Feb

There’s a gigantic cyclone coming! It’s going to hit the Great Barrier Reef region at a category 5 level – the worst possible 😦

It’s so big that we’ll be getting the after effects, 900 kilometres from the coastline. So this morning along with the rest of our town, the Mr & I stocked up on fuel and bottled water and long life milk. I’ve never seen the supermarket so busy!

Off to batten down the hatches, wish me luck!